Why did Gigapay pay me another amount?

Why did Gigapay pay me another amount?

The amount listed as “Profit” in VOYD’s Creator Admin is the amount that VOYD sends to Gigapay when you click on “Request payout from Gigapay”. Depending on how you choose to get paid by Gigapay the final payout amount may vary:

  1. Private individual (4%) - Gigapay sends the money instantly to your bank account and handles necessary administration to pay you as an individual
  2. Automated invoice (2%) - Gigapay sends the money instantly to your bank account and generates an invoice for you
  3. Manual invoice - You send your own invoice to Gigapay after receiving instructions from them

Finally there may be VAT applied and therefore in the end the amount paid out by Gigapay may differ from the amount listed in VOYD’s Creator Admin under Payouts. If you have any questions about the amount in your payout you can either chat with Gigapay’s support team or send them an email.

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