Get a recurring revenue from membership

Complete Guide - 4: Get a Recurring Revenue with Membership

A smart way to get recurring revenue is to create a membership service on Then your followers and customers can subscribe to your video content, either all or the content you select, for an ongoing monthly cost. There are two ways to charge for membership:

  • Set a fixed monthly price.
  • Let the buyer decide the price based on the price range you specify.

When someone has signed up for a membership with you, VOYD handles the payment every month and the member can end or pause their subscription when it suits them. You can follow the number of subscribers in real time by checking out My Business.

How to get started

Creating your membership service is very easy, and in fact, you don't even need more than a video to get started. Do these:
  1. Click on the Create a membership button in your Creator admin. Fill in necessary info for your membership product: Choose a title for your Membership; Upload a nice cover image ( 1920 x 1080 , .jpg or .png ).

2. Enter a description of what your membership includes and what a member can expect.

3. Then you choose whether you want a range where the buyer can decide what they want to pay per month or you set a fixed amount. If you choose to have a price range, the Starting Price is were you want the price slider to start

4. Choose which videos/audios should be included in your membership. You can add more afterwards and also in the video/audio upload.

5. Final steps: Add a trailer presenting your membership, this can increase the willingness to buy (optional). Decide if your membership should be visible when you publish or if you want it to be hidden and click save.

Now you can see your membership in your product list and edit it from here, and your buyers can access it from the membership tab on your channel page or via the membership button.


    • What should I charge for my membership?
      The average subscriber to pays 7 EUR for membership. If your content is unique and/or educational, there's no problem charging more. Common ranges we see are 5-10 EUR/month, 10-50 EUR/month and 50 EUR/month and up. If you are unsure, you can use our feature Pay What You Can that allows buyers to decide the price themselves.
    • Does a membership service require a lot of work from me?
      Not necessarily. Many members subscribe to support the creator and then it doesn't matter how active you are or how often you upload new videos. A rule of thumb is otherwise to post a new film a month, but it should preferably be a shorter film, or a "question and answer" film.
    • How many videos do I need to have uploaded before launching?
      One video is enough to launch your membership service. We have creators on VOYD who have never uploaded more than one video but still have a growing number of subscribers. This is partly because many subscribers want to support you as a creator in your work, but sometimes also because the creator sends out added value other than video to their subscribers. It can be, for example, offers and discount codes.

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