Beat YouTube revenue by 300%

Beat YouTube revenue by 300%

Thirteen years ago, three guys started a YouTube channel just to be able to store their video files online. The channel grew quickly and is today one of Sweden's largest YouTube channels within its genre, sport fishing and outdoor.

In the spring of 2020, Team Baitbox chose to release a more elaborate feature film exclusively on, as a complement to their channel. This was a hit!

Since its launch in 2010, Baitbox has managed to attract 20,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel. They publish new films at regular intervals where viewers can follow along as they fish, cook and go on adventures out in the wilderness. In total, their clips have been viewed more than 3 million times. But what made them go from YouTube to releasing a film on VOYD?

We were about to finish our first really elaborate feature film "Gringos på fjället", a production that we spent both a lot of time and money on. We felt that it was no longer sustainable to produce such films to release for free on YouTube

---- Simon Ekdahl, one of the founders of Baitbox

Not everyone makes money on YouTube

YouTube is a large platform with different types of video content where you as a creator can easily interact and build a channel with followers. However, there are few who can actually live on the income that YouTube generates.

In order to make money on YouTube today, they require you to have at least 4,000 watch hours on your videos and 1,000 subscribers to your channel per year. You then receive the income per thousand views, where the fee varies between 0.03 EUR and 0,3 EUR - which means an income of 0.003 EUR per view in the best case.* For Baitbox, that figure has been 1,5 EUR per thousand views in the past year.

The income we received from YouTube is no money to talk about, even though we often have between 30,000-60,000 views on our videos. But it's been the interaction with the followers and the social piece that we've done it for
---- Simon Ekdahl

Baitbox has worked hard with its YouTube channel for 10 years. Combining it, with putting more exclusive material behind a paywall on VOYD, turned out to be a winning concept for them, because in just one week, the revenue they had beat YouTube revenue, by 300 percent.

Charging felt scary

On, videos are posted behind a paywall and you decide for yourself what price you want to set for your content. It was something that Baitbox had never done before. Therefore, there were many thoughts before the premiere of "Gringos på Fjället" as their followers are used to being able to see everything that is produced free of charge on their YouTube.

But this exclusive film was something out of the ordinary. Baitbox describes the film itself as a story depicting three friends and their adventures on the mountain, with ups and downs, cooking in the field and a tortilla night that has never been seen before.

Team Baitbox, from the film "Gringos på fjället" which is broadcasted exclusively on VOYD. From the left we see Jens Sankala, Anderas Jonsson, and Simon Ekdahl.

Beat the record in one week

The film was rolled out in the spring of 2020 on and immediately had a big impact.

In just one week, Baitbox had increased its revenue from YouTube by 300% and "Gringos på Fjället" continues to generate revenue even today.

---- Team Baitbox

- We were amazed! It was great to see so many of our followers actually want to buy the film. The followers who have contacted us have been very positive that we ran the film through VOYD, and said that it goes without saying that they want to support what we do. Since then, the film has also received a fantastic response. Which feels incredibly fun, Simon continues.

The plan for the future - exclusive content on VOYD

Complementing its free video content on YouTube with more exclusive material on its channel on VOYD was a winning concept for Baitbox.

We want to continue to build our audience and community on Youtube where we release stuff for free. But we will continue to release the more lavish and elaborate films exclusively on VOYD. And it's to be able to continue making high quality films for our amazing followers.

---- Simon Ekdahl, Baitbox

By sharing their adventures, Baitbox wishes to spread joy and inspire others to get out themselves and experience all that nature has to offer. And we at VOYD think that they have really succeeded. Do you want to know more? Check out Baitbox